domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2011

tutorial:projectx [Avidemux DokuWiki]

tutorial:projectx [Avidemux DokuWiki]: "– Enviado usando a Barra de Ferramentas Google"


ProjectX tries its best to handle & repair many stream types and shows what went wrong on reception. This is very useful for repairing MPEG files, especially with audio and video syncronization problems.

Installing Java

Java must be installed to run the ProjectX executable binary. How this is done for your computer will vary. Here are some guides for specific operating systems on how to install Java.


Enable the universe in your apt-source list. From a root console or via sudo use nano/vim/gedit or whatever text editor you like to open: /etc/apt/sources.list. You should either have the “universe” enabled on one of your repository lines.

After you have made sure the “universe” repository is enabled in your apt-sources file, from a root console or via sudo run this command:

sudo apt-get update

Next we will install Java itself. Run this command line from the root console with either su or sudo:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin

Downloading ProjectX

ProjectX is written using Java and can be run on almost any platform. You can download binary execute jar files from in their Downloads section.

Extracting ProjectX

After you have downloaded the ProjectX binary zip file, you need to extract it. How you do this will depend on your operating system. In most Linux/BSD systems it can be done with the unzip command. Like in this example:


Running ProjectX

After you have downloaded ProjectX, you can simple run it. Exactly how you run the program will depend on your operating system.


In Linux and BSD variant system, that have contain a full and valid console enviroment, you can run ProjectX using the command line. From a command console, make sure your current console prompt is actually working the same directory as the ProjectX .jar file or that the .jar file is in your system path, then run this command:

java -jar ProjectX.jar

ProjectX should now open.


If you are using Windows, usually you can simply double-click on the .jar file. Alternatively you can select it and then right-click to open the mouse-menu and select Open to start the file. By default Java, if it is properly installed, should run the application for you.



If you are using Ubuntu and you had error when you tried to run ProjectX from the console, you may need to run the following commands to configure Java (either as root or using sudo):

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/java/bin/java 3
sudo update-alternatives --config java

If this does not fix your errors when executing, please refer to the Java install page here.

ProjectX is a SourceForge project. News and updates to the program can be found at This website does not contain a pre-compiled binary executable file and it may require you to create it if you want to use their version. Usually the regular binary files are up-to-date and current with very recent code releases.

tutorial:editing_mpeg_capture [Avidemux DokuWiki]

tutorial:editing_mpeg_capture [Avidemux DokuWiki]:

Editing MPEG capture (DVB or IVTV)

This page tries to give hints about editing captured MPEG files. These captured MPEGs are generally from DVB S/T (in MPEG TS format) or from IVTV based cards or any other card with hardware MPEG-2 encoding (in MPEG PS format).

The problem

These captures often contain transmission errors which end up as missing or broken frames. A player (MPlayer, xine, VLC) will constantly resync the streams using the timing information embedded in the stream. Avidemux will not.

Apart from the constant shift, which is easily recoverable using the timeshift filter, it will result in a growing synchronisation issue when encoding or transcoding. Even saving without re-encoding will be async.

MythTV recordings are a prime example of this problem. If the process below is not followed the audio will be offset by approximately -330 ms at the start of the recording and the drift throughout the duration of the recording. Please note that not all MythTV recordings have this problem, just some depending on the software and hardware configuration.

The solution

The only 100% reliable way to do it is to use ProjectX (see the ProjectX tutorial). It takes a bit of time but is easily scriptable, an example script is available from here. Let's say you have a DVB file called 2537_20060819203500.mpg in MPEG TS format (DVB-T) capture.

First we will demultiplex the file into elementary streams, but synced elementary streams

projectx 2537_20060819203500.mpg

That will generate one file per elementary stream with the following extensions:

  • m2v: for video stream
  • mp2: for MPEG audio stream
  • ac3: for Dolby Digital aka AC3 stream

Now we must recombine these streams, into PS format for example.

mplex -f 8 -o output_file.mpg 2537_20060819203500.ac3 2537_20060819203500.m2v 2537_20060819203500.mp2

The resulting file (output_file.mpg) can be edited in Avidemux (remove commercials for example) or transcoded to any formats without sync issue.

ProjectX is very reliable to resync the streams. For information, it will dupe missing audio frames or create empty video frames when they were dropped.

Up to date versions of mplex for Win32 systems are hard to find, however ImagoMPEG-Muxer is a perfect substitution.

Final touch

If you encode to other format (MPEG-4,…), you will probably want to go to Preferences and select Input→Use libavcodec MPEG decoder. libavcodec contains code to try to hide decoding errors. So instead of having a green block, you will have a mostly correct but blurred block, which is much more pleasing to the eye.

tutorial/editing_mpeg_capture.txt · Last modified: 2010/04/13 00:21 by j.m
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quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011

[ubuntu] HOWTO: Wacom in 8.04 Hardy - Ubuntu Forums

[ubuntu] HOWTO: Wacom in 8.04 Hardy - Ubuntu Forums:
HOWTO: Wacom in 8.04 Hardy

Wacom on 8.04 Hardy

These are the steps I took to make my Wacom Bamboo Fun work in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy. These instructions should work for most Wacom tablets.

0. Make sure you have a couple hours available. This will take a while. Also, print off a copy of this post because you will need to restart your computer a couple of times. If something goes wrong, see the troubleshooting section at the end of this post.

1. Plug in your tablet and open a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal). Enter the commands in the following steps line by line into the terminal, pressing enter after each command. If you are prompted for a password, type your password then press enter.

lsusb | grep -i wacom
Mine is a "056a:0017". Most models beginning with "056a" should work.

mkdir wacom
cd wacom
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential x11proto-core-dev libxau-dev libxdmcp-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev xtrans-dev libx11-dev x11proto-xext-dev libxext-dev libxi-dev linux-libc-dev libc6-dev libncurses5-dev xserver-xorg-dev tk-dev tcl-dev -y
tar xjf linuxwacom-0.8.0-3.tar.bz2
cd linuxwacom-0.8.0-3
sudo ln -s /usr/include/pixman-1/pixman.h /usr/include/pixman.h
sudo ln -s /usr/include/pixman-1/pixman-version.h /usr/include/pixman-version.h
./configure --enable-wacom
sudo make install
cd ..
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf .
gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
9. Place the following lines near the beginning of the file. If you have a touchpad, make sure you place these lines before the "Synaptics Touchpad" Section.
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "stylus"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "stylus"
# Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Option "USB" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "eraser"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "eraser"
# Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Option "USB" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "cursor"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "cursor"
# Option "ForceDevice" "ISDV4" # Tablet PC ONLY
Option "USB" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "pad"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "pad"
Option "USB" "on"
10. Find the section that looks somewhat like this. It will be near the end of the file.
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "Default Screen"
Inputdevice "Synaptics Touchpad"
11. Add these lines within the section you found in step 10.
 InputDevice     "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "pad"
12. Save (Ctrl-S) and quit (Ctrl-Q).

cp /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/tablet/wacom.ko wacom.ko.`uname -r`
sudo cp linuxwacom-0.8.0-3/src/2.6.24/wacom.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/tablet/wacom.ko
You may get an error on this step. If you do, please write down the error. If your tablet does not work when you finish this HOWTO, please post this error so I (or someone else) can work through it with you.

sudo depmod -e
cd linuxwacom-0.8.0-3/prebuilt
sudo ./uninstall
sudo ./install
wget ';a=blob_plain;f=debian/xserver-xorg-input-wacom.udev;hb=master' -O wacom.udev
cp /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xserver-xorg-input-wacom.rules wacom.udev.backup
sudo cp wacom.udev /etc/udev/rules.d/50-xserver-xorg-input-wacom.rules
sudo apt-get remove wacom-tools xserver-xorg-input-wacom -y
sudo apt-get install wacom-tools xserver-xorg-input-wacom -y
sudo ./uninstall
cd ..
sudo make install
19. Reboot your computer.

20. At this point, my tablet began working. If yours still is not, please post in this thread if you need help. Be sure to include any errors you received from the terminal. Also, include the ouput of the following two commands as an attachment (text file):
cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
ls -l /dev/input


Problem: does not start after restarting your computer the first time.
1. Restart your computer. You can do this either by pressing your power button or by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete.
2. When you see "GRUB Loading... Please Wait" on your screen, press the Escape key.
3. Scroll down to the "Recovery mode" entry with the arrow keys and press Enter. It is usually the second one.
4. Once the messages stop scrolling on the screen, enter the following commands. Press enter after each line. Remember to replace "USERNAME" with your actual username. If you do not remember your username, see the troubleshooting #2 entry.
cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.wacom_modified
cp /home/USERNAME/wacom/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Problem: You do not remember your username.
Solution: Run the following command. It will output a list of users. You will probably be able to recognize your username from this list.
cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home" | cut -d: -f1
Problem: It didn't work.
Solution: Read though the posts in this topic. If you do not find a solution that applies to you, post a new reply asking for help.

Last edited by neko18; July 24th, 2008 at 06:15 PM.. Reason: Updated guide for latest stable version (0.8.0-3)

[ubuntu] Handwriting recognition and pad in Chinese? - Ubuntu Forums

[ubuntu] Handwriting recognition and pad in Chinese? - Ubuntu Forums: "– Enviado usando a Barra de Ferramentas Google"

CellWriter -

CellWriter -


CellWriter is a grid-entry natural handwriting input panel. As you write characters into the cells, your writing is instantly recognized at the character level. When you press Enter on the panel, the input you entered is sent to the currently focused application as if typed on the keyboard.

Overview top

CellWriter was developed under a University of Minnesota UROP grant. If you're interested in the underlying algorithms, have a look at my thesis.


CellWriter relies solely on training samples of your characters for recognition. After a brief training period, the recognition engine is tailored to your unique way of writing. While this means that in general, other writers may not be able to use CellWriter with your training data, the recognition rate for your writing is very reliable.

Corrective preprocessing

CellWriter includes multiple levels of preprocessing algorithms that correct for input aberrations. Preprocessing smoothes out digitizer noise and matches input to training symbols drawn with different stroke order, direction, and/or number of strokes.

On-screen keyboard

For the times you simply need a specific keystroke, CellWriter features a both a convenient mini-keyboard overlay and a full QWERTY on-screen keyboard mode.

Multilingual support

Want to write in your native language? CellWriter can be trained to generate any Unicode character. Right-to-left languages are also supported.

Manual top

Most buttons and options in the setup window have informative tooltips, for additional information hold the pointer over a control and read the tooltip.

Program dependencies

In order to run CellWriter you will need the following packages: libxtst6, libgtk2.0-0, and libgnome2-0. You may need to update these packages and their dependencies to the latest version before the Debian package will install. If you want to compile CellWriter, you will also need the development versions of these libraries: libxtst-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, and libgnome2-dev (or configure with --without-gnome).

Training characters

CellWriter does not come with any training samples. Before you can use it, you must train CellWriter with samples of your handwriting. Press Train on the main window to enter training mode. Entering training mode will not clear any input you have entered.

Draw each character in its cell. When you have finished a character, move the pointer outside of the cell to finish that sample. The more samples you train this way, the darker the character will appear until it is black and fully trained. Characters that appear inactive (green by default) do not yet have any training samples.

If you wish to train a different Unicode block, select it from the Combo Box of enabled blocks. If the desired block is not enabled, go to the Recognition tab in the setup window, find it in the list of blocks and make sure it is checked.

Inputing and editing text

To input text, draw in the cells from left to right. Any cells you skip over will be automatically turned into spaces. Inactive cells are not used when sending keystrokes. When you are finished, press Enter to send your input to the currently focused program. You can clear your input with Clear or use the mini-keyboard buttons to edit your text in the currently focused application.

Context menu

Many functions can be accessed by right-clicking on a cell and bringing up the context menu. However, some Tablet PCs or PDAs may not have a pen button or any other convenient way to right-click. The alternative gesture to bring up the context menu is the hold-click. Press with the pen without moving for one second and the context menu will show up. If you start drawing ink, you have moved the pen too far.

Erasing characters

There are several ways to delete a character. If your pen has an eraser end you can simply press on a cell with that to clear it. If you are using a mouse, middle-click will clear a cell. Otherwise, you can delete through the context menu or use a cross-out gesture. To cross out one cell, simply scribble an unrecognizable character inside and the recognition engine will reject it, clearing the cell. To cross out multiple cells, start drawing in the first cell and drag the pointer accross the cells you want to erase. The pointer will be in eraser mode as long as the pen is pressed down. Note that scribbling out a single cell will not work in training mode!

Inserting a space

To insert a space, point the mouse cursor at the insertion hotspot at either the bottom or the top of the dividing line between cells. If you are pointing at the hotspot, arrows will appear at the top and bottom of the dividing line, click to insert a space.

Correcting recognized text

No recognition system can read your mind. If a symbol is drawn sloppily or otherwise varies from previously trained samples, it may not be recognized correctly. Input characters that have been recognized with a low degree of confidence will appear hilighted. You may either redraw the character or open the context menu for that cell and select the correct character from the list of top choices. If you have not disabled training on input (on by default), all training samples that rated higher than the correct choice will be deleted and the input will be entered as a new training sample.

Recognition results

If you want to know more about what the recognition engine is doing under the hood, start CellWriter from a console and it will print various detailed information to standard out. Here is a sample of what that output looks like:

Recognized -- 71/87 (81%) disqualified, 21ms (1ms/symbol), 37% strong
'k' ( 100 [30587], 100 [32722], 69 [21491], 33 [ 17]) 79% [000---012]
'K' ( 58 [29191], 38 [32672], 100 [26191], 0 [ 0]) 42% [012---000]
'M' ( 77 [29845], 4 [32645], -2 [10154], 0 [ 0]) 16% [000R--012]
'P' ( 15 [27757], -12 [32631], 52 [18831], 0 [ 0]) 8% [011--R001]
'd' ( 45 [28759], -8 [32634], -23 [ 6823], 0 [ 0]) 2% [000RR-102]

The top stat shows how many samples were disqualified before detailed recognition. Next is the total time of recognition in milliseconds. Strength is defined as the match strength of the first result minus the second. For each letter, the ratings of the four recognition engines are displayed in normalized and raw form (in brackets). From left to right are the preprocessor, average distance, average angle, and word context engines. After the engine ratings is the post-penalty strength. Lastly is the mapping transformation in brackets.

The mapping transformation describes how the preprocessor mapped a symbol with more strokes onto a symbol with less strokes. The first set of columns describe which stroke on the larger symbol was mapped to which stroke on the smaller symbol. The next set of columns indicate whether any stroke was reversed ('R'). If any two or more strokes on the larger symbol were mapped to the same stroke on the smaller symbol, the column set on the end indicates the order in which the strokes were glued together.

In the example above, a sample for the character 'k' was rated highest by the preprocessor, average distance, and word frequency engines, but only second-highest by the average angle distance. After penalties, it had a strength of 79%, 37% above 'K', and was constructed by gluing together the three input strokes in order without reversal.

Support top

CellWriter is a very new program. I have tried very hard to track down and fix as many bugs as I can but there is always more work to do. If you find a bug in the program or have a great new idea, please send me an email! If you are reporting a bug, please include the version number, relevant console output or screenshots, and whether you compiled from source or are using the Debian the package.

Resetting your profile

If you are updating CellWriter and you find that the program hangs or crashes on startup or if you would like to reset all of the program settings and training samples for whatever reason, delete the .cellwriter directory within your home directory.

Pen and cursor issues

There have been a number of issues reported that are caused by extended input events. If you can't draw in a cell or if the ink position does not match your cursor, try disabling extended input events in Setup. Note, however, that this will disable the pen eraser end.

There is a bug in the LinuxWacom driver that will screw up Xinput applications when the screen is rotated with xrandr and xsetwacom. Disabling extended input events will resolve this issue. You can also simply restart the affected applications.

Poor recognition rate

Almost all recognition problems with CellWriter arise from bad samples. If you find that certain characters are frequently recognized incorrectly, see if a bad sample is at fault. Open the character cell's context menu and select Show Ink. The red ink belongs to the matched training sample, and the black is your input. If the red ink does not match the recognized letter, the sample is bad. Go into training mode and reset all training samples for the bad symbol (through the context menu or by using the pen eraser on the cell) and re-train it.

By default, CellWriter trains on your input characters when you press Enter. If your writing becomes sloppy or you do not correct badly recognized characters, bad samples may be generated. If you have adequately trained CellWriter, you can disable training on input in the Recognition tab of the Setup window.

If you are not using CellWriter to input English text, the Word context engine may be harming the recognition rate. English word context can disabled under the Recognition tab of the Setup window.

Missing characters

If you cannot find a certain character in any of the Unicode blocks, it is possible that you do not have a font installed to support it. Please install all available fonts for your language to ensure that you get the best font rendering possible.

Unicode input problems

No keyboard has every Unicode character on it so CellWriter must resort to a fairly complicated method to generate fake Unicode keystrokes. If you find that CellWriter does not properly send Unicode characters, if characters are skipped, repeated, or in any way mangled on the way, please send me an email along with the full console print-out. As a workaround, try limiting the number of characters you input at a time as a backlog can cause these kinds of problems.

Random key strokes

An issue that can happen with Unicode input and the on-screen keyboards is the generation of seemingly random key-strokes that attempt to eject the CD-ROM drive, bring up the GNOME Search window, or activate other hotkeys. CellWriter overwrites blank KeyCodes in order to rewire them to send specific characters that are otherwise unsupported on the keyboard. Some of these KeyCodes are not actually usable for this purpose although CellWriter has no way of detecting this. Any time CellWriter overwrites a KeyCode for use as a different character, a message will be printed to standard out:

Overwrote KeyCode 92 for Num_Lock

CellWriter comes with a blacklist of known "bad" KeyCodes that are not used for generating key events. If you notice that CellWriter will consistently cause problems when it overwrites a specific KeyCode, you can add that KeyCode to the CellWriter blacklist:

  1. Make sure you close CellWriter first
  2. Open ~/.cellwriter/profile
  3. Find the line that says: bad_keycodes 108 111 115 ... 245 248
  4. Add the KeyCode number to the end of that list
  5. Save the profile and start CellWriter
If this procedure solves the problem, please report the new bad KeyCode to me via email.

Samiux's Blog: HOWTO : Traditional Chinese Handwriting on Ubuntu 10.04

Samiux's Blog: HOWTO : Traditional Chinese Handwriting on Ubuntu 10.04:

HOWTO : Traditional Chinese Handwriting on Ubuntu 10.04

Traditional Chinese handwriting is available in Linux now. Tegaki Project provides Traditional and Simpified Chinese as well as Japanese handwriting input for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. It is developed by Python; thus, it is a cross-platform application.

Tegaki supports SCIM only. Therefore, you should install SCIM on your Ubuntu 10.04 which is iBus by default.

Step 1 - Install SCIM :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install scim scim-modules-table scim-chewing scim-pinyin scim-chinese

im-switch -s scim
update-alternatives --config xinput-zh_TW

Select SCIM according and makes it as default.

Step 2 - Install Tegaki :

sudo apt-get install python-tegakitools scim-tegaki python-tegaki-gtk tegaki-train tegaki-recognize python-tegaki tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese zinnia-utils

cd ~
unzip tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-0.3
cd tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-0.3
sudo make install
cd ~

Step 3 - Create Gnome menu for Tegaki :

sudo nano /usr/share/applications/tegaki.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Tegaki Handwriting
Comment=Tegaki Handwriting

How to use Tegaki

Step a :
Click on "Tools/Configure" icon on the right hand side panel. Set "Search after (msecs)" to 200 or larger. Then click on "Search on stroke" and "Confirm".

Step b :
Write the Chinese characters in the boxes provided. To clear the characters click "Sweep" icon. If you want to make correction to the character that you just wrote, click on the character on the top bar.

Step c :
After wrote some characters, you can click on "Green tick". Then, go to the word processor or editor. Press "Ctrl+V" or click "Paste".

That's all! See you.

The Linux Wacom Project

The Linux Wacom Project:

Linux Wacom Project HOWTO

10.0 - Working With Gimp

Note: Gtk does not handle extended devices in relative mode. Please don't use Gimp in relative mode.

Bring up gimp and select "File -> Dialogs -> Input Devices" if using 1.x or "File -> Preferences -> Input Devices -> Configure Extended Input Devices" if using 2.x. You will see a drop-down list with all devices present. After enabling them, you can see their respective statuses by calling up "File -> Dialogs -> Device Status". It has been recommended that the devices be set to "Screen" mode rather than "Window".

I have successfully been able to use gimp with several different pens, including the tips and erasers. Tilt does not appear to be used by gimp at present, but pressure works fine. If the pressure is too coarse, or doesn't kick in until too late, you may need to lower your threshold value. The pressure curve setting can be changed through graphic tool, wacomcpl, and command line tool, xsetwacom.

Also, a useability note with Gimp: Each input device (stylus,cursor,eraser) has a completely different set of attributes in Gimp, and in theory, you can even assign a unique serial number to different pens to get even more granularity. You will experience this when you try to use your eraser for the first time. Rather than selecting the eraser tool, you get the rectangle selection tool instead. This is by design, believe it or not. Gimp does not care that its an eraser, just that it's not the pen you were just using. If you choose the eraser tool now, it will remember that for the next time you try to use it. On the plus side, you can set the eraser to be anything, including the Airbrush tool or Clone tool.

If you change the tool's mapping area while Gimp was running, you need to relaunch Gimp to use the new settings. Otherwise, the tool tip will be off from the drawing point.

One tablet user has pointed out that deleting his .gimp directory and rerunning gimp was necessary before his airbrush worked correctly. If you are having trouble, it's worth a shot.

Good luck!

terça-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2011

Get Wacom Bamboo Pen Working in Ubuntu Lucid - Frank Groeneveld

Get Wacom Bamboo Pen Working in Ubuntu Lucid

The new Wacom Bamboo Pen (CTL-460) doesn't work in Ubuntu Lucid out-of-the-box. You need a newer kernel module than the one that comes with Lucid by default. It's pretty easy to get it working though, you just need to know how.


It seems that since I published this post four months ago, it helped a lot of people. At that time I couldn't find a DKMS script that would automatically compile and install the newer module after every kernel upgrade. Also, I didn't have the time to do it myself. Well, things have changed. After Brett Alton posted his update to my post. Martin Owens replied to his post with a link to a PPA that contains the newer module with a DKMS script. So please, use this PPA and save yourself a lot of trouble! The instructions are really simple, just run this in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:doctormo/wacom-plus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wacom-dkms

Don't forget to register your tablet at the Wacom website, because you can specify Linux as your operating system. We might get even better support if a lot of people do this.

Old post:

First, install some compiling tools and header files:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libx11-dev libxi-dev x11proto-input-dev xserver-xorg-dev tk8.4-dev tcl8.4-dev libncurses5-dev

Next, download the latest linuxwacom driver (0.8.6 at the moment of writing):

Now unpack, configure compile and install it:
tar -xf linuxwacom-0.8.6.tar.bz2
cd linuxwacom-0.8.6
./configure --enable-wacom
cd src/2.6.30/ # I know this is the wrong version, but it's the highest available and it works
sudo cp wacom.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/input/tablet/
sudo rmmod wacom
sudo modprobe wacom

The tablet should work now. You can also add the module name to /etc/modules to automatically load it on boot. There still one issue left for me. In Mac OS X I can use the whole tablet, i.e. the right corner is the right screen corner. In Lucid however the grey lines indicate the screen borders, so the right corner of the gray lines is the right screen corner. This means part of the tablet is not used and this can be quite annoying if you're used to the previous behavior.

Don't forget to register your tablet at the Wacom website, because you can specify Linux as your operating system. We might get even better support if a lot of people do this.

change EXIF data - Ubuntu Forums

Re: change EXIF data

Digikam will let you edit date and time... it's a KDE photo management program like F-Spot or Picasa. I don't know of any others.

As for the CLI tools most will dump Exif data, or adjust date/time as on offset of the original EXIF stamp:
# to dump exif data
$ exiv2 -p s filename.jpg

# adjust date/time +1 day (in hours)
$ exiv2 ad -a 24 filename.jpg

## or use jhead ##

# to dump exif data
$ jhead filename.jpg

# adjust date/time
$ jhead -ta+24 P1000616.JPG
IMHO, jhead is much more capable, and provides more control over date/time (see the '-da' option).

Hope that helps.